1. In some way a KWC 92 offshoot –
    A family lineage, 1952–2181, Ying Ying is at the centre.

    15 june – 15 july 2017
    L’Ascensore, Palermo
    by Lap-See / Karin / Thomas

    Like the Eight Immortals – Lap-See / Karin / Thomas – L'Ascensore Palermo


  2. The night of 14 October 2016
    Syson Gallery, Nottingham
    part of Mould Map 6: Terraformers

    The Sign, restored
    The Ratchet-strap office waste bar
    2 medium sized televisions with:
    – Screen test 1 (Nash)
    – Cowboys vs 49ers NFC Championship Final 1993
    PA system
    15 litres well-brewed green tea
    15 litres whisky
    Some of the gourd drink
    The Irish Bartender
    Unknown lady
    DJ Scrapsearcher



    ls6_1 ls6_2 ls6_3 ls6_4 ls6_5